Tag Archives: Manufacturing 4.0

Crawl, walk, run: A scalable manufacturing system in stages ©

You have probably heard the phrase crawl walk run. The “crawl, walk, run” approach is a phased implementation strategy for introducing new technology or processes in manufacturing. It refers to the gradual progression from a basic, limited implementation to a more comprehensive and sophisticated one. Here’s how it works in the context of manufacturing monitoring […]

8 largest wastes of lean manufacturing

Lean manufacturing is a technique used to minimize wastes in an operating system that maximizes profits. Without adding new equipment or personnel, lean manufacturing creates a constant cycle of improvement. This system creates a balance in your workplace that reduces downtime, cycle time, and wastes. Although many companies are aware that they are inefficient, many […]

What is TPM?

Also known as Total Productive Maintenance, TPM is the lean manufacturing approach to improving manufacturing efficiency alongside OEE. Manufacturing systems and factories have many instances where one of their machines is down or inefficient. Many times machines don’t receive proper maintenance and factory workers wait until something is broken down to fix it. When this […]

How to Reduce Manufacturing Costs Using an IIoT Monitoring System

Remote Monitoring IIT system adding value in today's manufacturing

Manufacturing costs are the costs that it takes to produce a product. Manufacturing costs include:  The products’ direct material – Metal, Plastic, wood, paper, electronic components, etc. Direct labor – Operators that physically touch the products Manufacturing overhead – Floor space, Management, Capex (capital costs), software, etc.  Unfortunately, a big portion of these costs are […]

The Benefits of Implementing a Remote Monitoring System

DDS IOT, industrial 4.0, smart manufacturing systems

Why should you implement factory remote monitoring systems? Maintaining factory systems, achieving faster and more reliable production runs, and reducing cost on a current manufacturing process without buying more machines is a growing concern for many factories in the production business. An IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things) included with a factory remote monitoring system will […]